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One Drop L,E,T,S

Londons Economic Trading System









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A World Without Money

Is A World Without Poverty

There are many ways of exchanging what we have and can do for the things we need. ‘Money‘ is just one of them; ‘Noney’ is another. The internet revolution has brought us new ways of exchanging things, without the unnecessary step of acquiring money first. At One Drop Lets we exchange and share what we have to offer for what others provide, using a variety of exchange methods: record keeping, time exchange, direct exchange, barter, swapping, gifting and sharing. Simply by keeping track of who receives what from whom we can dispense with the ancient idea of exchange media and the apparatus required to create, circulate and manage them. This helps us focus on providing and requesting what is really needed instead of chasing after money.



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LETS are Community Currencies that are now transferable worldwide thanks to the internet and concious use of technology

Holding fiat means that you are continuously losing value, and in order to “beat” inflation you have to create a diversified investment portfolio. The wealthy can plow their money into equities, real estate, and commodities which bubble up from all the easy money, while those without access to these investments see their purchasing power decline. This is a classic case of the rich getting richer and is attributable to inflationary monetary policies.

Quote of the Week-

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle — Albert Einstein

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